

Food for Run and Thought 23

「I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.」John Hanc, running writer 

「Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived.」Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author

「Pain and suffering are often the catalysts for life's most profound lessons.」Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author

「We may train or peak for a certain race, but running is a lifetime sport.」Alberto Salazar, American marathon runner and coach

「Running long and hard is an ideal antidepressant, since it's hard to run and feel sorry for yourself at the same time. Also, there are those hours of clearheadedness that follow a long run.」Monte Davis, runner
